Tuesday, 17 April 2012

VB.Net Notes

Types of Application Architecture

            Applications are developed to support organizations in their business operations. Application accepts input, process the data based on business rules and provide data as output. The function performed by an application can be divided into three categories:

                        User services
                        Business services
                        Data services.

            Each category is implemented as a layer in an application. The user services layer constitutes the front end of a solution. It is also called a presentation layer because it provides an interactive user interface

            The business services layer controls the enforcement of business rules on the data of an organization. Business rules encompass those practices and activities that define the behavior of an organization. The business services layer performs validations pertaining to business rules.

            The data services layer comprises the data and the functions for manipulating the data.
Application Architecture

            1. Single Tier Architecture -> Based on Single Software
            2. Two Tier Architecture
            3. Three Tier Architecture
            4. n-Tier Architecture (HTML ->  VBScript -> ASP -> Oracle -> XML)

MVC Architecture
                                    Model View Controller Architecture

            Model -> Business Logic -> EJB -> COM+ (Component Object Model)
            View -> Output -> JSP -> ASP.NET (or) VB.Net
            Controller -> Controlling Pages. -> ASP.Net
.NET Initiative

            Microsoft has introduced the .NET initiative with the intention of bridge the gap in interoperability between applications. It aims at integrating various programming languages and services.
It is designed to make significant improvements in code reuse, code specialization, resource management, multi language development, security, deployment and administration.

            The .NET Initiative offers a complete suite for developing and deploying applications. This suite consists of .NET products, .NET services, and the .NET framework.

.NET Products
                        Microsoft has already introduced Visual Studio .NET, which is a tool for developing .NET application by using programming languages such as Visual Basic, C# and Visual C++. In addition, Microsoft also intends to introduce .NET versions of the Windows operating system and Office suite. These products aim at allowing developers to create applications that are capable of interacting seamlessly with each other. To ensure interaction between different applications, all .NET products use eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for describing and exchanging data between applications.

.NET services
                        .NET delivers software as Web Services. Therefore, users can subscribe to a web service and use it as long as they need it, regardless of the hardware and software platform.
Microsoft is coming up with its own set of web services, known as My Services. These services are based on the Microsoft Passport authentication service, the same service that we used in Hotmail. They allow the consumers of the services to access data by linking calendars, phonebooks, address books, and personal references to the Passport Authentication service. In addition to the Web services provided by Microsoft, third party products and services can also be integrated easily with the .NET environment

The .NET Framework
            It is the foundation on which you design, develop and deploy applications. Its consistent and simplified programming model makes it easier to build robust applications.

.NET Products
            Visual Basic.NET
            Visual C++.NET
                        Collection of classes and Interfaces are packed.

                        Set of incomplete methods.
MultiThreading ->
I/O Packages
Assembly -> Deployment purpose
Garbage Collection ->

.Net Framework

Managed Code Execution Process
1.  When you compile a program developed in a language that targets the CLR, instead of compiling the sourcecode into machine level code, the compiler translates into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Intermediate Language (IL). No matter which language has been used to develop the applications, it always gets translated into IL. This ensures language Interperability.

2. In addition to translating the code into IL, the compiler also produces metadata about the program during the process of compilation. Metadata contains the description of the program, such as the classes and interfaces, the dependencies and the versions of the components used inthe program.

3. The IL, and the meta data are linked in assembly

4. The compiler creates the .EXE or .DLL file

5. When you execute the .EXE or .DLL file, the code (converted into IL) and all the other relevant information from the base class library is sent to the class loader. The class loader loads the code inthe memory.

6. before the code can be executed, the .NET framework needs to convert the IL into native or CPU specific code. The Just In Time (JIT) compiler translates the code from IL into managed process of compilation, the JIT compiler compiles only the code the code that is required during execution instead of compiling the complete IL code. When an uncompiled method is invoked during execution, the JIT compiler converts the IL for that method into native code. This process saves the time and memory required to convert the complete IL into native code.

7. During JIT compilation, the code is also checked for type safety. Type safety ensures that objects are always accessed in a compatible way. Therefore, if you try to pass an 8 byte value to a method that acceps 4 byte value as its parameter, the CLR will detect and trap such an attempt. Type safety also ensures that objects are safely isolated from each other and are therefore same from any inadvertent or malicious corruption

8. After translating the IL into native code the converted code is sent to the .NET runtime manager.

9. The .NET runtime manager executes the code. while executing the code, a security check is performed to ensure that the code has the appropriate permissions for accessing the available resources.

Unicode characters - 2 Bytes

Features Provided CLR

1. Automatic memory management
2. Standard type system
3. Language Interperability
4. Platform Independence
5. Security Management
6. Type safety

Advantages of .NET Framework

1. Consistent Programming Model
2. Multi platform applications
3. Multi Language Integration
4. Automatic resource management
5. Ease of deployment

Visual Basic .NET

                        * Supports Object Oriented Programming full fledgely.
                        * Supports Structured Exception Handling
                        * Supports Multithreaded Programming

Features of .NET

            1. Inheritance
            2. Constructor and Destructor
            3. Overloading
            4. Overriding
            5. Structured Exception Handling
            6. Multithreading


            Inheritance is the ability of a class to derive its characteristics from an existing class
            class base
            End class
            class DerivedClass Inherits ParentClass
            End Class

            It is possible to create a base class in any language and inherits its properties in a derived
class created using another language. It provides the advantage of code reusability across languages.
Constructors and Destructors

            Constructor -> Used to initialize the members of the class
            Destructor -> Releases the resources used by an object

                        function nane similar passing parameters are different
                        Function Overloads function_name(parameter list) as return type    
            class base
                        virtual public void show();
                        public void fun1();

            class derived : public base
                        public void show();
                        public void fun1();
            derived d;
            base b;
            base *b1;
            b1 = &d;

            Public Overrides Function func1()

Structured Exception Handling      

                        VB.Net Supports structured exception handling that consists of protected blocks of code and filters for the possible exceptions that can be raised by the program.
                        Exception Handling code


            Multithreading enables an application contain one or more threads that can share workload in an application by executing one at a time.

Visual Studio .NET IDE

1. Projects and Solutions
            Projects-> Contains Forms and modules.
            Solutions -> Contains one or more projects.
Project Types
            1. Visual Basic Projects
            2. Visual C#
            3. Visual C++
            4. Setup and Deployment Application
            Windows Application -> Stand alone windows application
            Class Library   -> Create reusable class library
            Windows Control Library -> Custom Control creation
            ASP.NET Web Application -> Create Web Application
            ASP.NET Web Service -> HTTP and XML to communicate with client applications.
            Web Control Library -> Custom control used in web application
            Console application -> create console application run in command line
            Windows Service -> Background service such as monitoring
            Empty Project
            Empty Web Project
            New Project in Existing Folder -> Adding Existing files.

User Interface Elements of Visual Studio .NET IDE
            1. Windows Form Designer
            2. Solution Explorer Window
            3. Properties Window
            4. Toolbox
            5. Output window
            6. The task list window
            7. Server Explorer window
            8. Dynamic Help window      
            9. Class view window
            10. Code and Text editor window
Object Orientation in Visual Basic.NET

            OOPS -> Object oriented programming system

            1. Classes and Object
            2. Data Abstraction and Encapsulation
            3. Inheritance
            4. Polymorphism
            5. Overloading

            Arrays -> Collection of like data types.

                        Collection of unlike variables, methods and constructors.
Structure struc_name
            access_specifier var_name as Datatype          'Variables
            access_specifier Sub proc_name(ByVal var as Datatype)  'Sub Procedure
            End Sub
            access_specifier function func_name(ByVal var as Datatype) as DataType
                        return var_name
            End function
            Sub New() 'Constructor
            End sub          
End Structure

            Structure Emp
                        Dim Eno as Integer
                        Public Ename as String
                        Public Salary as Single
                        Public Sub DisplayEmp()
                                    Msgbox "Empno : " & eno
                                    Msgbox "Empname : " & ename
                                    Msgbox "Salary : " & salary
                                    end sub
            End Structure


Public - A structure declared with the Public keyword is accessible from anywhere within or outside the application. This is the default access mode.

Protected - A structure declared with the Protected keyword is accessible only from within its own class or from a derived class
Friend - A structure declared with the Friend keyword is accessible from within the program that contains the declaration and from anywhere else in the same program

Protected Friend - A structure declared with the Protected Friend keyword is accessible from within the same assembly and in the derived class.
Private - A structure declared with the Private Keyword is accessible only from within its declaration context, including any nested procedures.

(Static)Shared Variables.
            * Initialized with zero when the first object is created. No other initialization is permitted.
            * Only one copy of the member is created and shared by all objects.
            * Without creating object the member can be accessed by using structure name.

Shared Methods
            * It access only shared variables.
            * Without creating object the method can be accessed by using structure name.

            Structure Student
                        sno as Integer
                        sname as String
                        shared count as integer
            End Structure
            Dim s1(10) as Student

            Including Procedure
            Structure order_details
                        Public Inv_no as String
                        Public Ord_dt as Date
                        Public CustName as String
                        Public Product as String
                        Public Cost as Double
                        Public Advance_amt as Double
                        Public Due_amt as Double
                        Public Sub CheckCost (ByVal Cost as Double)
                                    if Cost < 10 then
                                                Cost = 10
                                    End If
                        End Sub
                        Shared count as Integer
            End Structure

Storing data within a Structure         

                        Dim ord1 as order_details
                        ord1.count = ord1.count + 1
                        Dim ord2 as order_details
                        ord2.count = ord2.count + 1
                        ord1.Inv_no = "I0001"
                        ord1.Ord_dt = #01/31/1980#
                        ord1.CustName = "Jack"
                        ord1.Product = "ABC"
                        ord1.Cost = 450.00
                        ord1.Advance_amt = 200.00
                        ord1.Due_amt = 250.00

Accessing Data from a structure
                        if ord1.Inv_no = "" then
                                    Msgbox("Please enter the invoice number")
                        End if


Structure Emp
        Dim eno As Integer
        Dim ename As String
        Dim salary As Integer
        Shared count As Integer
        Sub getEmp()
            eno = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter Eno"))
            ename = InputBox("Enter empname")
            salary = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter Salary"))
            count = count + 1
        End Sub
        Sub displayemp()
            MsgBox("Empno : " & eno)
            MsgBox("Empname : " & ename)
            MsgBox("Salary : " & salary)
        End Sub
        Shared Sub displayCount()
            MsgBox("No of Objects Created is " & count)
        End Sub
        Sub New(ByVal no As Integer, ByVal name As String, ByVal sal As Integer)
            eno = no
            ename = name
            salary = sal
            count = count + 1
        End Sub
    End Structure
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim e1(10) As Emp
        Dim e2 As Emp = New Emp(1000, "Kirthika", 2000)
        Dim n, i As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter how many employees"))
        For i = 0 To n - 1
        For i = 0 To n - 1
    End Sub
End Class
Classes Vs Structures

                        Collection of member variables and methods
            * Both can have members, including constructors, properties and constants.
            * Both can implement Interfaces (Set of incomplete methods)
            * Both can have shared constructors with parameters
Shared Keyword      
                        In a class or a structure, the Shared Keyword indicates that one or more programming elements are shared. The Shared programming elements are not associated with a specific instance of a class or structure. To access a shared element, we need to qulify it with the class or structure name. We can also access a shared element by qualifying it with the object name of the class or structure. For example, if we declare a field in our class to count the number of instances of the class, we can make it a shared field. All the instances of the class will access the same shared member.


A Class is inheritable from other existing classes
A structure is not inheritable
A class can have instance constructors with or without parameters    
A structure can have instance constructors only if they have take parameters
A class is a referenced type (ByRef)
A structure is a value type. (ByVal)
The members of a class can be initialized within class declaration
The members of a structure cannot be initialized within the structure declaration
The Variables and constants declared in a class have Private by default
A members of a structure have Public Scope by default
Class procedures can handle events
Structure procedures cannot handle events.

Abstract Class

            Set of complete and Incomplete methods.  the derived class can implement the methods. In VB.Net the abstract class is created using MustInherit keyword in the class definition.

            Public class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
                        Dim emp as New Emp_Details()
                        Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as System.Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
                        End Sub
            End Class

            Public MustInherit Class EmployeeDetails
                        Public MustOverride Sub Annual_Salary(ByVal m As Integer)
                                    Public Sub disp()
                                            MsgBox("Sample Method") 
                                    End Sub
            End Class

            Public Class Emp_Details
                                    Inherits EmployeeDetails
                        Dim salary as Integer = 30000
                        Dim months as Integer = 6
                        Public Overrides Sub Annual_Salary(ByVal m as Integer)
                                    salary = salary * m
                                    Msgbox("The Total salary is : " & salary)                                                       salary = 30000
                        End sub
            End Class


Public MustInherit Class MyAbstractClass
    Public MustOverride Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
    Public Sub MyAbstractsub()
        MsgBox("Abstract Class method")
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class DerivedClass
    Inherits MyAbstractClass

    Public Overrides Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
        MsgBox("The value of a = " & a)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class DerivedClass1
    Inherits MyAbstractClass

    Public Overrides Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
        MsgBox("Square Value is " & (a * a))
    End Sub
End Class

            Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDisplay.Click
        Dim n As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter a number"))
        Dim d1 As New DerivedClass
    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdSquare_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSquare.Click
        Dim n As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter a number"))
        Dim d2 As New DerivedClass1
    End Sub     


            Set of incomplete methods. Alternate for Multiple Inheritance


                        Interface Iface_name
                        End Interface
                        Interface IOrderDetails
                                    Property CustName() As String
                                    Sub UpdateCustStatus()
                                    Function Calculate(ByVal m as integer) as Integer
                                    Event Update_Complete()
                        End Interface

                        Interface OrderDetails
                                    Sub Disp()
                        End Interface

                        Public Class MyOrder
                                    Implements OrderDetails
                                    Sub disp() Implements OrderDetails.disp
                                                Msgbox "MyOrder disp method"
                                    End Sub
                        End Class

                        Public Class AnotherOrder
                                    Implements OrderDetails
                                    Sub disp() Implements OrderDetails.disp
                                                Msgbox "Another Order disp method"
                                    End Sub
                                    Sub MyMethod()
                                                Msgbox "Non Interface Method"
                                    End Sub
                        End Class
                        MyOrder m1

                        AnotherOrder a1

                        OrderDetails a2
                        a2.MyMethod() 'Error

            We can declare only methods, functions, properties and events in an interface. We cannot declare a variable in an interface.

Interface Inheritance
            Interface Validate_Cust
                        Sub Validate_Custname()
            End Interface
            Interface IOrderdetails
                        Inherits Validate_Cust
                        Property CustName() as String
                        Sub UpdateCustStatus()
                        Event Update_Complete()
            End Interface

Members of an Interface
                        Sub Validate_Custname()      
                        Property CustName() as String
                        Sub UpdateCustStatus()
                        Event Update_Complete()
                        Interface statements are Public by default.
                        Automatic initialization of object

Two types of constructors
            1. Shared constructors
            2. Instance Constructors

Shared Variable                   
            * Initialize with Zero, when the first object is created. No other initialization is permitted.
            * Only one copy of the variable is created and can be accessed by all objects.
Shared Methods

            * Access only Shared Variables         
            * Without creating object the method can be accessed using class name.
Shared constructors

            Used to initialize shared variables of type. A shared constructor will not run more than once during a single execution of program.

            Public Class MyClass1
                Public Shared x As Integer
                Public y As Integer

                Shared Sub New()
                    x = 10
                    '     y = 20
                End Sub
                Sub New()
                    y = 20
                End Sub
                Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
                    x = a
                    y = b
                End Sub
              Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()               'Destructor
                    MsgBox("Destructor Called")
                    x = 0
                    y = 0
                End Sub
            End Class

            Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
                    Dim m1 As New MyClass1
                    Dim m2 As MyClass1
                    m2 = New MyClass1(60, 70)
                    MsgBox("x = " & m2.x)
                    MsgBox("y = " & m2.y)
                End Sub
Instance Constructor
            Used to initialize variables that are declared with Dim, Public, Private, Friend, Protected and Protected Friend. Also access the shared variable within an instance constructor.

            Sub New(ByVal a as integer)
            end Sub          

            Used to destroy Objects

Methods Used

            Finalize() -> To release the last reference object
            Dispose() -> To release resource, such as Database                                                connection file closing etc.


                        * Resuability of code
                        * Extensibility of code

            Hybrid -> Combination of multiple and multilevel


1. FirstForm (Base)

            Reset Button   cmdReset
            Exit Button     cmdExit

2. Codings

            Public Overridable Sub cmdReset_Click()
            End Sub

            Public Overridable Sub cmdExit_Click()
            End Sub
3. Build the application
4. Solution Explorer -> Right Click-> Add Inherited Form

5. SecondForm (Inherit FirstForm)

6. Add Additional Controls
7. Code Windows (select Overrides -> cmdReset , cmdExit)

            Sub Procedure
            Event Procedure

Sub Procedure
                        Access_specifier Sub Proc_name(ByVal arg as Datatype)
                        End Sub

Procedure Overloading
                        Procedure name similar, passing argument differs
                        Sub proc1()
                        End Sub
                        Sub proc1(ByVal m as Integer)
                        End Sub
Procedure Overriding
                        Procedure name and passing arguments are similar

                        Base Class
                                    Public Overridable Sub Procedure_name()
                                    End Sub

                        Derived Class
                                    Public Overrides Sub Procedure_name()
                                    End Sub

            Note: Doesn't return any value

Calling Sub procedure

                                    Call Procedure_name(arguments)
Function Procedure

            Access_specifier Function func_name(arguments) as Return_Datatype
                        func_name = return value
                        return ret_val
            End Function 

Function Overloading
Function Overriding

Property Procedure

                        BackColor = red
            Public class Customer
                        Private col as System.Drawing.Color
                        Public Property BackColor() as System.Drawing.Color
                                    Set(ByVal col1 as System.Drawing.Color)
                                                col = col1
                                    End Set
                                                Return col
                                    End Get
                        End Property
            End Class

Event Procedure
Predefined Procedures (Dialog)
            Msgbox -> Msgbox("Message",Button Style,"Title")
            InputBox -> InputBox("Message","title","default Value",X pos,Y Pos)

CommonDialog Classes       


            ActiveX Data Object (ADO)

            .NET Application to communicate with a database for inserting,updating and retrieving data.

1. Disconnected Architecture
                        Applications connect to the database only while retrieving and updating data. After data is retrieved, the connection with the database is closed.

2. Data cached in Datasets
                        A dataset is a cached set of database records. We can work with the records stored in a dataset as we work with real data; the only difference being that the dataset is independent of data source and we remain disconnected from the data source. As a result, resources are saved and the database can meet the increasing demands of users more efficiently.

3.  Data Transfer in XML Format
                        XML is an industry standard Format for exchaning information between different applications. Since a Dataset is stored in the XML format, we can transmit it between different types of application that support XML and any component that can read the dataset structure can process the data.

4. Interaction with the database is done through data commands
                        All operations on the database are performed by using data commands. A data command can be a SQL statement or a Stored procedure.

ADO.NET Object Model

            Provider -> The Data residing in a database is retrieved through data provider.

            Dataset -> The Data is cached in a dataset and the application accesses the data from the dataset.

            DataReader -> In this method, a DataReader object, which is component of the data provider, uses the connection object to connect to the database, uses the command object to retrieves data, and provides data to the application in a read-only and forward only mode.

Data Providers

                        Two types of Data Providers:

            OLE DB Data Provider

                        Works with all type of OLEDB Providers.
namespace -> System.Data.OleDb    

            SQL Server Data Provider

                        Working with SQL Server
                        namespace -> System.Data.SqlClient

            ConnectionString () -> Specify the name of the server, username, password etc.

            Open() -> Establish the connection
            Close() -> Close the Connection

            State -> 0 value indicates the connection is closed
                            1 value indicates the connection is opened.

Connecting with SQL - Server

            Imports System.Data.SqlClient

            Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim con As SqlConnection
        con = New SqlConnection("server=server;Database=Master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        MsgBox("Connection Opened")
    End Sub

Connecting with MS - Access

            Imports System.Data.OleDb

                    Dim con As OleDbConnection
        con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=d:/demo/vb.net/sampleDB.mdb")
        MsgBox("Database Connected")

Data Adapter

            Data is transfered to and from a database through a data adapter.

            SqlDataAdapter -> SQL - Server
            OleDbDataAdapter -> Other Database

Properties and Methods of Data Adapter

            SelectCommand -> Refers to a SQL Statement or a Stored procedure to retrieve data from the database
            InsertCommand -> Refers to a data command to insert data into a database
            UpdateCommand -> Refers to a data command to update a database
            DeleteCommand -> Refers to a data command to delete from a database

            Fill() Method -> Fills the dataset with the records from a database

            Update() Method -> Executes the correspoding InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand row to reflect the changes in the database.


            Drag a SqlDataAdapter1
                        Connect with Database and Select the Table using Query Builder
            Select SqlDataAdapter1 -> Data Menu -> Generate Dataset -> DSCust
            Drag a Datagrid Control and set the Datasource = DScust1.CustomerTracking



            A DataCommand is a SQL Statement or a Stored procedure that is used to retrieve, Insert, Delete or modify data in a Data source.

            SQLCommand -> SQL - Server
            OleDbCommand  -> Other Database

        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim command As New SqlCommand
        con = New SqlConnection("server=system8;database=master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        command = New SqlCommand("Insert into Customertracking values('C006','Vidhya','Nandhini','23 KK Nagar',23345,'vidhya@rediff.com')", con)
        Dim r As Integer
        r = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
        MsgBox("Record Inserted")

                        Data Reader is used to retrieve data from a data source in a read only and forward only mode.
Methods Used
            Read() -> Read Current row
            Close() -> Close the DataReader
            NextResult() -> Move to Next Record Pointer


  Dim custid As String
        custid = InputBox("Enter Customer ID")
        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim command As New SqlCommand
        con = New SqlConnection("server=system8;database=master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        command = New SqlCommand("Select * from customertracking", con)
        Dim dr As SqlDataReader
        dr = command.ExecuteReader()
        While (dr.Read())
            If (dr(0) = custid) Then
                txtCustid.Text = custid
                txtFname.Text = dr(1)
                txtLname.Text = dr(2)
                txtAddress.Text = dr(3)
                txtPhone.Text = dr(4)
                txtEmail.Text = dr(5)
            End If
        End While
    End Sub


                        When a connection is established with the database, the data adapter creates a dataset and stores data in it. After the data is retrieved and stored in a dataset, the connection with the database is closed. Such working architecture is called disconnected architecture. The dataset acts like a virtual database containing tables,rows and columns.

Dataset Object Model


The Dataset is present as a Dataset class in the System.Data namespace. The Components of the dataset object model are
It Contains all the tables retrieved from the data source
It contains relationships and the links between tables in a dataset
It contains additional information, such as the SQL statement for retrieving data and the date time stamp for the retrieved data
It represents a table in the DataTableCollection of a dataset
It represents a relationship in the DataRelationCollection of a dataset
It contains all the rows in a DataTable
It represents a fixed customized view of a DataTable
It represents the column that uniquely identifies a row in a DataTable
It contains all the columns in a DataTable.

Connecting to a Database

            There are three methods to create a data adapter.

            * Manually
            * Through a Wizard
            * Using the Server Explorer Window

Types of Datasets
            Datasets are of two types.

            1. Typed
            2. Untyped.

Typed Dataset

            A typed dataset is derived from the Dataset class and has an associated XML schema, which is created at the time of the creation of the dataset. The XML schema contains information about the dataset structure, such as the tables, columns and rows. Data is transferred from a database into a dataset and from the dataset to another component in XML format.
            XML Schema Definition (CSD) language is used to define the elements and attributes of XML documents. Since a typed dataset structure is stored in an XML format, the dataset is saved as an XSD file. This structure of a typed dataset is decided at the time of its creation. When a typed dataset is created, the data commands are generated automatically by using the column names from the data source. Tables and their columns can be accessed by their names while programming.

            Dim custid as string
            custid = DSCust.CustomerTracking(0).CustID
Untyped Dataset

            An untyped dataset does not have any associated XML schema. In an untyped dataset, the tables and columns are represented as collections. Since an XML schema is not created for an untyped dataset, the structure of an untyped dataset is not known during compilation.

            Dim custid as String
            custid = CType(DSCust.Tables("CustomerTracking").Rows(0).Item("CustID"),String)

            * Using Data Adapter
            * Complex Data Binding -> Data Grid

Implementing Simple Data Binding

Navigating Between Records

            For every data source that is bound to a Windows Form, there exists a CurrencyManager object. The CurrencyManager object handles the binding to the data source by keeping a pointer to the current item in the record list. The Currencymanager class is derived from the BindingManagerBase class. If all the Windows Form controls are bound to a single Data source, the form will have one CurrencyManager object associated with it. A BindingContext object, Which is a Windows Form object, is usd to keep track of the existing CurrencyManager objects in a form.



Connecting to a Database through Wizard

            1. Drag a OleDB or SqlDataAdpter control
            2. Select the Servername and Enter user id,password and select the database
            3. Query Builder -> Select the Tablename and add required columns
            4. Finish the wizard

Creating Dataset

            1. Select the OleDB or SqlDataAdapter
            2. From Data Menu -> Choose Generate Dataset
            3. Enter the Dataset name and select the corresponding table and click ok.

Data Binding

            1. Simple Data Binding
            2. Complex Data Binding

Complex Data binding

                        Binding with Listbox, Datagrid Control with multiple values or multiple columns
For Datagrid Control
                        DataSource     -> Dataset name
                        DataMember   -> Table Name

                        Datasource                  -> Dataset name
                        DisplayMember           -> Column name

Simple Data Binding

                        Binding with a single column and single value. Used for Textbox.

TextBox Properties
                                    Text     -> Column name


Navigating Between Records

            1. Create data adapter
            2. Create dataset
            3. Binding with controls.

General Declaration

            Dim bm As BindingManagerBase

                    bm = Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "CustomerTracking")
                    bm.Position = 0

            bm.Position = 0
             bm.Position = bm.Count - 1

            bm.Position -= 1
            bm.Position += 1        

Filtering and Sorting Data
            Two types of Filtering
                        1. Parameterized Queries
                        2. Filter the Dataset
Parameterized Queries
            1. Create a SqlDataAdapter-> Select Connection -> Query Builder -> Select CustOrder Table
            2. Specify the condition "where Inv=@param"
            3. Click next and finish the SqlDataAdapter.
            4. Generate the Dataset for SqlDataAdapter
            5. Place the controls and bind the Dataset with the controls.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
        SqlDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.Parameters("@param").Value = TextBox1.Text
    End Sub

Filter the Dataset
            Using Select() method
            select(condition,sort order)
            Private Sub btnSelect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSelect.Click
        Dim dt As DataTable
        dt = DsCust1.Tables("CustOrder")
        Dim cond As String
        Dim sort As String
        cond = "cost >3000"
        sort = "custid asc"
        Dim result() As DataRow
        result = dt.Select(cond, sort)
        Dim ctr As Integer
        For ctr = 0 To result.Length - 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

Displaying Data From multiple tables.

            xsd -> Schema -> Containing conditions for columns

Control                       Properties                   Settings
sqlDataAdapter1         SelectCommand          Select Custid,fname,address from

SqlDataAdapter2        SelectCommand          Select Inv,InvDate,Custid,prodid from                                                                                             CustOrder
DataSet                       DSMasterDetail1        CustomerTracking

Double click the DSMasterdetail1.xsd from Solution Explorer Window
Create Relation from Toolbox. Drag the Relation object and place it in CustOrder Table.
Label               CustomerID
Label               Firstname
Label               Address
DataGrid         DGDetail        -> DataSource -> DSMasterDetail1
                        DataMember -> CustomerTracking -> CustomerTrackingCustOrder

TextBox          txtCustid         -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking -> CustID
TextBox          txtFname         -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking -> Fname
TextBox          txtAddress      -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking ->Address


            Dim bm As BindingManagerBase

            SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsMasterDetail1, "CustomerTracking")
            SqlDataAdapter2.Fill(DsMasterDetail1, "CustOrder")
            bm = Me.BindingContext(DsMasterDetail1, "CustomerTracking")

            bm.Position += 1

            bm.Position -= 1

Data Updates
            Design Form for the following Table
            1. CustomerDetails

Create table CustomerDetails(Custid varchar(10) primary key,CustName varchar(50),
Address Varchar(100),phoneno numeric(15),Email varchar(50),regdate datetime)  
            2. Design the Form and Bind the Control

3. Codings

            General Declaration

            Dim bm As BindingManagerBase
            Dim flag As Integer = 0
            Dim dt As DataTable
            Dim dr As DataRow
            Dim custid As String


            bm = Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "CustomerDetails")
            bm.Position = 0


            bm.Position = 0

            bm.Position -= 1

            bm.Position += 1
            bm.Position = bm.Count - 1


            flag = 1
            Dim cid, cidval As String
            Dim ctr, len As Integer
            dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
            len = dt.Rows.Count - 1
            If (len < 0) Then
            cid = "C001"
                        dr = dt.Rows(len)
                        cidval = dr("Custid")
                        cidval = Mid(cidval, 2, 3)
                        ctr = CInt(cidval)
                        If (ctr > 0 And ctr < 9) Then
                                    ctr = ctr + 1
                                    cid = "C00" & ctr
                        ElseIf (ctr >= 9 And ctr < 99) Then
                                    ctr = ctr + 1
                                    cid = "C0" & ctr
                                    ctr = ctr + 1
                                    cid = "C" & ctr
                        End If
            End If
            txtCustid.Text = cid
            Private Sub ClearText()
            txtCustid.Text = ""
            txtCustname.Text = ""
            txtAddr.Text = ""
            txtPhno.Text = ""
            txtEmail.Text = ""
            txtRdate.Text = ""
            End Sub

            custid = txtCustid.Text
            flag = 2

            custid = txtCustid.Text
            flag = 3

            If flag = 1 Then
                        dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
                        dr = dt.NewRow()
                        dr(0) = txtCustid.Text
                        dr(1) = txtCustname.Text
                        dr(2) = txtAddr.Text
                        dr(3) = txtPhno.Text
                        dr(4) = txtEmail.Text
                        dr(5) = txtRdate.Text
        ElseIf flag = 2 Then
                        dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
                        dr = dt.Rows.Find(custid)
                        dr(1) = txtCustname.Text
                        dr(2) = txtAddr.Text
                        dr(3) = txtPhno.Text
                        dr(4) = txtEmail.Text
                        dr(5) = txtRdate.Text
        ElseIf flag = 3 Then
                        dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
                        dr = dt.Rows.Find(custid)
        End If
        SqlDataAdapter1.Update(DsCustomer1, "CustomerDetails")
        bm.Position = 0

            txtRdate.Text = System.DateTime.Today

Crystal Report

                        For Creating Reports and Charts
            Three Methods

            1. Manually
            2. Using Standard Expert
            3. From an existing Report

            1. Create a Windows Form
            2. From Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
            3. Name -> RevenueReport.rpt -> Click Open button
            4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "As a blank Report" -> Click Ok
            5. In the Field Explorer Window -> Database Fields -> Right Click -> Add/Remove Database
            6. Select OLEDB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLEDB for SQL server
            7. USer id = sa;password=killer;server=system8;database=master
            8. Select Table "CustomerTracking" -> Insert Table - Click Finish
            9. From Field Explorer Window -> Drag the Required Fields to Details Section
            10. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RevenueReport.rpt

            11. Run the Application

Using Standard Expert
            1. Create a Windows Form
            2. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
            3. Name -> RevenueReport1.rpt -> Click the Open Button
            4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "Using Standard Expert" -> Click Ok
            5. Select OLEDB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLEDB For SQL Server
            6. server=system8;user id=sa;password=killer;database=master
            7. Select Table "CustOrder" -> Insert Table -> Click Next
            8. Select Display Fields -> Click next
            9 Select Group Field -> Click Next
            10. Select Summarized Field -> Click Next
            11. Chart -> Select chart type -> Text -> Title (Revenue Report) -> Click Next
            12. Click next
            13. Click Next
            14. Click Finish
            15. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RevenueReport.rpt

Filtering Data report
            1. Create a Windows Form
            2. Create a SQLDataAdapter -> Select CustOrder and Set the condition as "Cost>3000"
            3. Generate a DataSet with the Name of DSReport
            4. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
            5.  Name -> RevenueReport2.rpt -> Click Open
            6. Crystal Gallery Report -> Select "As a blank Report"
            7. In the Field Explorer Window -> Database Fields -> Add /Remove Database
            8. Select "Project Data" -> ADO.NET -> Datastet -> DSReport -> Custorder
            9. From Field Explorer -> Drag the Required Field
            10. Group Name Fields -> New -> CustOrder.Prodid          
            11. Running Total Field -> New -> CustOrder.Cost -> Sum
            12. Formula Field -> New -> Enter "Percentage" -> Formulat Editor -> CustOrder.Advance / CustOrder.Cost * 100
            13. Drag the Formula Field in the Details Section
            14. In the Form Code Window add the following Code
            Global Declaration
            Dim cr As New RevenueReport2

            SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsReport1, "Custorder")
             CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr

            Relating Data Report

            1. Create a Windows Form
            2. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
            3. Name -> RelatingReport.rpt-> Click Open
            4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "Using Standard Expert"
            5. Select OLEDB (ADO) - > Microsoft OLEDB For SQL - Server
            6. Server=system8;user id=sa;password=killer;database=master;
            7. Select -> CustomerTracking and CustOrder Table
            8. Relating window Displayed -> Click Next
            9. Select Displaying Fields and Click NExt
            10. Select Group Field and Click Next
            11. Select Summarized Field and Click Next
            13. Create Chart if need
            14. Click the Next and Finish the Report
            15. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RelatingReport.rpt

            Setting Primary key and Foreign Key in Table
            Create table Custtrack(custid varchar(10) primary key)
            Alter table custtrack add constraint cpk2 primary key(custid)

            Create table custorder1(custid varchar(10) references custtrack(custid))
            Alter table custorder1 add constraint cfk2 foreign key(custid) references custtrack(custid)


            MainMenu -> Normal Menus created in Menubar
            ContextMenu -> For creating shortcut menus

            MDI Forms -> Multiple Document Interface
            Eg: MS - Word

            Drag MainMenu from Toolbar and set the Name and Caption Property
            Form1 -> IsMdiContainer -> Set to True
            Context Menu

            Drag Context Menu From toolbar
            Create MenuItems with Itemname
            Form1 -> ContextMenu Property -> ContextMenu1


            Drag a ImageList Control -> Property -> Images -> Add some Images
            Drag a Toolbar Control -

                        ImageList                                ImageList1
                        Button collection                    Add Buttons with Name and ImageIndex
            Drag a Statusbar Control

                        ShowPanels                 True
                        Panels                          Add Panel and Set the Name Property

             Private Sub mnuNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuNew.Click
        Dim myform As New Second
        myform.MdiParent = Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSave.Click
        MsgBox("Save Clicked")
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuExit.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
        SBPanel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now()
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuVertical_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuVertical.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuHorizontal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuHorizontal.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuCascade_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuCascade.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuArrIcons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuArrIcons.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnNew.Click
        Dim myform As New Second
        myform.MdiParent = Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnHori_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnHori.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnVert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnVert.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolBar1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs) Handles ToolBar1.ButtonClick
        Select Case ToolBar1.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button)
            Case 0
                Dim myform As New Second
                myform.MdiParent = Me
                sbPanel1.Text = "New Form"
            Case 1
                MsgBox("Save Clicked'")
                sbPanel1.Text = "Save Form"
            Case 2
                sbPanel1.Text = "Exit Form"
        End Select
    End Sub

File Handling
            A file is a collection of bytes that has a persistent storage. The data in a file is stored as data streams and when we read from or write to a file, we read or write data as data streams.

            A data stream is a sequence of bytes that can be written to or read from a backup device, such as hard disk.

File I/O perform in two different ways.

            1. Using the .NET System.IO model
            2. Using the Visual Basic- runtime functions
Using System.IO Model

                        This model are available to all the .NET languages. These classes are contained in the System.IO namespace and are used for creating copying, moving and deleteing files. The most frequently used classes in the System.IO namespace are FileStream, BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, StreamReader, StreamWriter, TextReader,TextWriter and Directory.


FileStream Class

                        This class provides access to files and file related information. The FileSystem class is used with the File class, which is also contained in the System.IO namespace, to create, copy, delete, move and open files.

FileStream class opens a file either in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode.

            Synchronous mode -> The entire file is first read and then displayed to the user.
            Method used -> Read() and Write() method
            Asynchronous mode -> starts reading and displaying files in parts
            Method Used -> BeginRead() and BeginWrite()


Append-> File must be exists and open the file and set the file pointer to end of file
Create -> New Creation. If the file exists, the file is overwritten
CreateNew -> Create a New file. If the file is exists it throws an exception
Open -> open an existing file
OpenOrCreate -> Open an existing file, if the file exists or create a new file
Truncate-> Delete the file and recreate it. File must be exists.


            Read -> Read Only
            ReadWrite -> Read and Write
            Write -> Write only.



             Dim fstream As New FileStream("c:\sample.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
        MsgBox("File Created")

BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
            In .NET we can store data in binary format to keep the size of a file small.

             Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim files As FileStream = New FileStream("c:\myfile.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
        Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(files)
        Dim br As New BinaryReader(files)
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 1 To 10
        br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
        TextBox1.Text = br.ReadChars(20)
            End Sub

            SeekOrigin.BEGIN  -> Beginning of File
            SeekOrigin.CURRENT -> Move to current pointer
            SeekOrigin.END -> End of file

StreamReader and StreamWriter
            These classes internally use specific encoding to convert characters to and from bytes.
            Create a Form with a RichTextBox Control

            Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim fstream As New FileStream("C:\mydata.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
        Dim sw As New StreamWriter(fstream)
        sw.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End)
        writedata("My Employee code is 102", sw)
        writedata("My Language is Sanskrit", sw)
        Dim sr As New StreamReader(fstream)
        sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    End Sub

    Public Sub writedata(ByVal data As String, ByVal sw As StreamWriter)
        sw.Write("Entry : ")
    End Sub

    Public Sub readdata(ByVal r As StreamReader)
        RichTextBox1.Text = r.ReadToEnd
    End Sub

The Directory Class

CreateDirectory                      Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\vb_users")
Delete                                      Directory.Delete("c:\vb_users")
Exists                                      Msgbox(Directory.Exists("c:\vb_users"))
GetDirectoryRoot                   Msgbox(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot("c:\Vb_users"))
                                                Imports System.IO
                                                Public class Form1
                                                            Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
                                                Dim s() as String
                                                dim i,j as Integer
                                                Private Sub Form1_Load()
                                                            s = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()
                                                            i = s.length
                                                            For j = 0 to i - 1
                                                                        RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + s(j) + Chr(13)
                                                End Sub
                                                End Class

Move                                       Directory.Move("c:\my_Dir","c:\vb_users\MyDir")

Creating Help System

hhp -> Html Help Project
hhc -> Html Help Contents
hhk -> Html Help Index
htm -> Html file

Steps to Create Help file system

Programs -> HTML Help Workshop

1. File -> New -> Project
2. Click Next -> Browse the location to save the .hhp file.
3. Click Next -> Click Finish
4. File -> New -> HTML File
            Enter the Title and Contents of the HTML File and Save the file
            Title                             Contents                      Filename
            ----------                        ------------                     -------------
            Maintaining Records                                       Maintain.htm
            Add Record                                                    Add.htm
            Modify Record                                               Modify.htm
            Delete Record                                                 Delete.htm
            View Record                                                   View.htm

5. Select the Index Tab -> Create a new Index File
6. Select the option -> Insert a Keyword
Enter the Keyword (Maintaining Record) and Add the file (Maintain.htm) for the keyword and click ok
            Similary add all the keyword with htm file.

7. Select the Contents Tab -> Create a new Contents File
8. Select the option -> Insert a Heading -> Maintaing Records -> Maintain.htm
9. Select the option -> Insert a Page -> Enter keyword and Select the correspoding files

10. Select the Projects Tab -> Select "Change Project options"
            Enter the Title and Select the Default page to display while pressing F1

11. File  Menu -> Compile option -> Select the two checkbox and Click "Compile"

12. View Menu -> Compiled File -> Select the File and view

Adding File system with Project Menu

1. Drag a HTMLHelpProvider Control
            Properties -> HTMLNamespace -> Select the Help File

Control Properties
            Show Help on HelpProvider1 -> True
            Helpkeyword on HelpProvider1 -> Enter the Keyword
            HelpNavigator on HelpProvider1 -> Select the Navigation option

Deploying the Application

1.File -> New -> Project -> Setup and Deployment Projects -> "CallCenter" -> Click Ok
2. File -> Add Project -> Existing Project -> "DataUpdates.vbproj"
3. Open the "File System" editor by selecting "View -> Editor -> File System"
4. Select the "File System On Target Machine" node
5. Select "Action -> Add Special Folder ->Program Files Folder"
6. Select the "Program Files Folder" node. Select "Action->Add->Folder". Type the name of the folder as "CallCenter"
7. To Add the output of the "Data Entry Application" project to the "CallCenter" folder, select the "CallCenter" folder. Select "Action-> Add-> Project Output". This opens the "Add Project Output Group" dialog box.
8. Select "Data Entry Applicaion" from the Project drop down list, Select "Primary Output" from the Output list.
9. click the ok button

Create a shortcut for the application

10. In the "File System" editor, Select the "CallCenter" folder. In the details pane of the "File System" editor, select "Primary Output from Data Entry Applcation (Active)".
11. Select "Action -> Create Shortcut to Primary Output from Data Entry Application (Active)".
12. Change the name of the shortcut to "CallCenter"
13. Drag the shortcut to the "User's Desktop" mode in the "File System Editor"

Add a dialog box to the deployment project

14. Open "Wordpad" and type the text to be displayed in the license agreement.
15. Save the file with the extension of ".rtf"  (Rich text format)
16.  In the Visual Studio .NET deployment project, open the "User Interface" editor by selecting "view -> editor -> User Interface"
17. In the "Install" section, select "Start"
18. Select "Action -> Add Dialog"
19. In the "Add Dialog" dialog box, Select "License Agreement", click the ok button
20. Move the License agreement dialogbox so that it appears immediately after the Welcome dialog box.
21. Select the "License Agreement" node in the User Interface editor and press F4 key to switch to properties window.
22. Select the License file property and select the rtf file.
23. In the "Select Item in Project" dialog box, Click ok button
24. Build the Application

Execute the Installer

1. Browse the deployment project folder. In the Debug folder -> it contains the Setup Project and Uninstall Project"

2. Double click and install the project

Component Technology

            * A component is a reusable piece of code in binary form that can be plugged into components from other vendors, with relatively little effort.
            * Component can be part of an application that implements Business logic.
            * We can reuse code by inheritance.
Component Architecture of .NET

            Components have to interact with each other. For example, a component that accepts user information might use another component to validate the information. This is achieved, in Visual Basic .NET, by putting the components within a self contained package called assembly. An assembly contains information about the files on which the component depends and the location of these files. The CLR can use this information to determine the dependencies of a component. The assemblies that are required during the execution of an assembly are called dependencies.

            An assembly usually consists of a manifest and the portable executables (PE)

            A manifest consists of information such as the name and version of the assembly. It also contains information about other files, such as text files, assemblies and graphics files that assembly uses.

Portable executables (PE)    

            A portable executable consists of the IL code, type information, and meta data. The manifest might be stored as a part of a portable executable. The metadata consists of information about every type, such as classes and structures defined and used in our code.

Characteristics of a Component

1. The name of the component class should be short and meaningful. It should be a combination of whole words with a capitalized initial character for each word.

2. We can control the use of a component by using proper access level for the constructors.  Classes or components that are used internally by the assembly should have private access where as a component that is intended for use outside the containing assembly should have public access.

3. The base class of all component class is the class Component or IComponent class.

4. The namespace structure in an assembly should be according to the internal organization of the components. We should group related components together in separate namespaces. The project name becomes the root namespace by default.

Life cycle of component

1. The constructors initialize components. Initialization can be two types, type initialization and instance initialization. Type initialization is achieve by shared constructors. Instance initialization is achieved by constructors.

2. The instance of our component is destroyed when the garbage  collector finds that there are no references to the components. All clean up code should be put into the Finalize code.


1. File -> New -> Project -> Visual Basic Projects -> Class Library Project -> "CValidator"
2. Project Menu -> Add Component -> Component Class
3. Change the name of the class in the line of code to "CardValidator"
4. Change the file name to "CardValidator.vb"
5. Delete the default class library project "Class1.vb"
6. Save the Project
7. Add Properties and Functions to the component

Public Class CardValidator
    Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
    Private Name As String
    Private CardNo As String

    Public Property CustomerName() As String
            Return Name
        End Get
        Set(ByVal CustName As String)
            Name = CustName
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property CardNumber() As String
            Return CardNo
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Number As String)
            CardNo = Number
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Function Validate() As Integer
        Dim cardlength As Integer = 0
        cardlength = CardNo.Length
        Dim valid As Boolean
        If cardlength = 14 Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
End Class

8. Build Menu -> click Build Solution
(It creates a DLL file -> Dynamic Link Library)

Create a User interface to display the result

1. Create a windows application project name "CreditCardDetails".
2. Create Two labels and two textboxes "TextCustName" and "TextCard"
3. Create a Button Control "Validate"
4. In the solution explorer window right click "References"-> Choose "Add Reference"
5. Browse and Navigate the "CValidator.dll" and Click Open
6. Add the Following Code

Imports CValidator

Private Sub btnValidate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnValidate.Click
        Dim validator As CardValidator
        validator = New CardValidator
        validator.CardNumber = txtCardNo.Text
        validator.CustomerName = txtCustName.Text
        If validator.Validate = True Then
            MsgBox("Valid Card Number")
            MsgBox("Invalid Card Number")
        End If
    End Sub

User Controls

            When we design an application with graphical user interface, we usually use objects that the user can use to control the flow of the application. These controls are visual components that can be used across applications.

The UserControl Class

            The UserControl class can contain multiple Child controls. The UserControl class represents a Single and unified interface. This interface contains inherted from the Control classes.

Creating Customized User Controls


1. Create a new Windows Control Library and name it CDateLib.

2. In the Solution Explorer Window, change UserControl.vb to BritishDateTimePicker.vb by right clicking UserControl1.vb and selecting the Rename option from the short - cut - menu.

3. Right Click BritishDateTimePicker.vb and select view code from the shortcut menu

4. Change the name of the class to BritishDateTimePicker. In addition, change the inherits state to Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker.

5. Double Click the Windows Form Designer generated code,

6. In the New() method, add the following code after the InitializeComponent method.

        Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
        CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yy"

7. Build -> Build the Solution.

Test Your control
1. Create a new Windows application
2. Right click and customize the toolbox.
3. Select the .NET Framework Components tab -> browse -> CDatelib.dll
4. Select the Control BritishDateTimePicker and click ok
5. Drag the control and Build and execute.


1. File -> New -> Project -> Windows Control Library -> "NumericTextBox"
2. Change the name of the control to "NumericTextBox"
3. Switch to Code view and add the following code

Public Class NumericTextBox
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    Private maxValue As Integer
    Private minValue As Integer

    Public Property Max() As Integer
            Return maxValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            maxValue = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Min() As Integer
            Return minValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            minValue = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Protected Overrides Sub OnLostFocus(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        If Val(Text) < minValue ThVB.NET
Types of Application Architecture

Applications are developed to support organizations in their business operations. Application accepts input, process the data based on business rules and provide data as output. The function performed by an application can be divided into three categories: 

User services
Business services 
Data services. 

Each category is implemented as a layer in an application. The user services layer constitutes the front end of a solution. It is also called a presentation layer because it provides an interactive user interface

The business services layer controls the enforcement of business rules on the data of an organization. Business rules encompass those practices and activities that define the behavior of an organization. The business services layer performs validations pertaining to business rules.

The data services layer comprises the data and the functions for manipulating the data.
Application Architecture

1. Single Tier Architecture -> Based on Single Software
2. Two Tier Architecture
3. Three Tier Architecture
4. n-Tier Architecture (HTML ->  VBScript -> ASP -> Oracle -> XML)

MVC Architecture
Model View Controller Architecture

Model -> Business Logic -> EJB -> COM+ (Component Object Model)
View -> Output -> JSP -> ASP.NET (or) VB.Net
Controller -> Controlling Pages. -> ASP.Net
.NET Initiative

Microsoft has introduced the .NET initiative with the intention of bridge the gap in interoperability between applications. It aims at integrating various programming languages and services.  
It is designed to make significant improvements in code reuse, code specialization, resource management, multi language development, security, deployment and administration.

The .NET Initiative offers a complete suite for developing and deploying applications. This suite consists of .NET products, .NET services, and the .NET framework.

.NET Products
Microsoft has already introduced Visual Studio .NET, which is a tool for developing .NET application by using programming languages such as Visual Basic, C# and Visual C++. In addition, Microsoft also intends to introduce .NET versions of the Windows operating system and Office suite. These products aim at allowing developers to create applications that are capable of interacting seamlessly with each other. To ensure interaction between different applications, all .NET products use eXtensible Markup Language (XML) for describing and exchanging data between applications.

.NET services
.NET delivers software as Web Services. Therefore, users can subscribe to a web service and use it as long as they need it, regardless of the hardware and software platform.  
Microsoft is coming up with its own set of web services, known as My Services. These services are based on the Microsoft Passport authentication service, the same service that we used in Hotmail. They allow the consumers of the services to access data by linking calendars, phonebooks, address books, and personal references to the Passport Authentication service. In addition to the Web services provided by Microsoft, third party products and services can also be integrated easily with the .NET environment

The .NET Framework
It is the foundation on which you design, develop and deploy applications. Its consistent and simplified programming model makes it easier to build robust applications.

.NET Products
Visual Basic.NET
Visual C++.NET
Collection of classes and Interfaces are packed.

Set of incomplete methods.
MultiThreading -> 
I/O Packages
Assembly -> Deployment purpose 
Garbage Collection ->

.Net Framework

Managed Code Execution Process
1.  When you compile a program developed in a language that targets the CLR, instead of compiling the sourcecode into machine level code, the compiler translates into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) or Intermediate Language (IL). No matter which language has been used to develop the applications, it always gets translated into IL. This ensures language Interperability.

2. In addition to translating the code into IL, the compiler also produces metadata about the program during the process of compilation. Metadata contains the description of the program, such as the classes and interfaces, the dependencies and the versions of the components used inthe program.

3. The IL, and the meta data are linked in assembly

4. The compiler creates the .EXE or .DLL file

5. When you execute the .EXE or .DLL file, the code (converted into IL) and all the other relevant information from the base class library is sent to the class loader. The class loader loads the code inthe memory.

6. before the code can be executed, the .NET framework needs to convert the IL into native or CPU specific code. The Just In Time (JIT) compiler translates the code from IL into managed process of compilation, the JIT compiler compiles only the code the code that is required during execution instead of compiling the complete IL code. When an uncompiled method is invoked during execution, the JIT compiler converts the IL for that method into native code. This process saves the time and memory required to convert the complete IL into native code.

7. During JIT compilation, the code is also checked for type safety. Type safety ensures that objects are always accessed in a compatible way. Therefore, if you try to pass an 8 byte value to a method that acceps 4 byte value as its parameter, the CLR will detect and trap such an attempt. Type safety also ensures that objects are safely isolated from each other and are therefore same from any inadvertent or malicious corruption

8. After translating the IL into native code the converted code is sent to the .NET runtime manager.

9. The .NET runtime manager executes the code. while executing the code, a security check is performed to ensure that the code has the appropriate permissions for accessing the available resources.

Unicode characters - 2 Bytes 

Features Provided CLR

1. Automatic memory management
2. Standard type system
3. Language Interperability
4. Platform Independence
5. Security Management
6. Type safety

Advantages of .NET Framework

1. Consistent Programming Model
2. Multi platform applications
3. Multi Language Integration
4. Automatic resource management
5. Ease of deployment

Visual Basic .NET

* Supports Object Oriented Programming full fledgely.
* Supports Structured Exception Handling
* Supports Multithreaded Programming

Features of .NET

1. Inheritance
2. Constructor and Destructor
3. Overloading
4. Overriding
5. Structured Exception Handling
6. Multithreading


Inheritance is the ability of a class to derive its characteristics from an existing class
class base
End class
class DerivedClass Inherits ParentClass
End Class

It is possible to create a base class in any language and inherits its properties in a derived  
class created using another language. It provides the advantage of code reusability across languages.
Constructors and Destructors

Constructor -> Used to initialize the members of the class
Destructor -> Releases the resources used by an object

function nane similar passing parameters are different
Function Overloads function_name(parameter list) as return type
class base
virtual public void show();
public void fun1();

class derived : public base
public void show();
public void fun1();
derived d;
base b;
base *b1;
b1 = &d;

Public Overrides Function func1()

Structured Exception Handling

VB.Net Supports structured exception handling that consists of protected blocks of code and filters for the possible exceptions that can be raised by the program.
Exception Handling code


Multithreading enables an application contain one or more threads that can share workload in an application by executing one at a time.

Visual Studio .NET IDE

1. Projects and Solutions
Projects-> Contains Forms and modules.
Solutions -> Contains one or more projects.
Project Types
1. Visual Basic Projects
2. Visual C#
3. Visual C++
4. Setup and Deployment Application
Windows Application -> Stand alone windows application
Class Library -> Create reusable class library
Windows Control Library -> Custom Control creation
ASP.NET Web Application -> Create Web Application
ASP.NET Web Service -> HTTP and XML to communicate with client applications.
Web Control Library -> Custom control used in web application
Console application -> create console application run in command line
Windows Service -> Background service such as monitoring
Empty Project
Empty Web Project
New Project in Existing Folder -> Adding Existing files.

User Interface Elements of Visual Studio .NET IDE 
1. Windows Form Designer
2. Solution Explorer Window
3. Properties Window
4. Toolbox
5. Output window
6. The task list window
7. Server Explorer window
8. Dynamic Help window
9. Class view window
10. Code and Text editor window
Object Orientation in Visual Basic.NET

OOPS -> Object oriented programming system

1. Classes and Object
2. Data Abstraction and Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
5. Overloading

Arrays -> Collection of like data types.

Collection of unlike variables, methods and constructors.
Structure struc_name
access_specifier var_name as Datatype 'Variables
access_specifier Sub proc_name(ByVal var as Datatype)  'Sub Procedure
End Sub
access_specifier function func_name(ByVal var as Datatype) as DataType 
return var_name
End function
Sub New() 'Constructor
End sub
End Structure

Structure Emp
Dim Eno as Integer
Public Ename as String
Public Salary as Single
Public Sub DisplayEmp()
Msgbox "Empno : " & eno
Msgbox "Empname : " & ename
Msgbox "Salary : " & salary
end sub
End Structure


Public - A structure declared with the Public keyword is accessible from anywhere within or outside the application. This is the default access mode.

Protected - A structure declared with the Protected keyword is accessible only from within its own class or from a derived class
Friend - A structure declared with the Friend keyword is accessible from within the program that contains the declaration and from anywhere else in the same program

Protected Friend - A structure declared with the Protected Friend keyword is accessible from within the same assembly and in the derived class.
Private - A structure declared with the Private Keyword is accessible only from within its declaration context, including any nested procedures.

(Static)Shared Variables.
* Initialized with zero when the first object is created. No other initialization is permitted.
* Only one copy of the member is created and shared by all objects.
* Without creating object the member can be accessed by using structure name.

Shared Methods
* It access only shared variables.
* Without creating object the method can be accessed by using structure name.

Structure Student
sno as Integer
sname as String
shared count as integer
End Structure
Dim s1(10) as Student

Including Procedure
Structure order_details
Public Inv_no as String
Public Ord_dt as Date
Public CustName as String
Public Product as String
Public Cost as Double
Public Advance_amt as Double
Public Due_amt as Double
Public Sub CheckCost (ByVal Cost as Double)
if Cost < 10 then
Cost = 10
End If
End Sub
Shared count as Integer
End Structure

Storing data within a Structure

Dim ord1 as order_details
ord1.count = ord1.count + 1
Dim ord2 as order_details
ord2.count = ord2.count + 1
ord1.Inv_no = "I0001"
ord1.Ord_dt = #01/31/1980#
ord1.CustName = "Jack"
ord1.Product = "ABC"
ord1.Cost = 450.00
ord1.Advance_amt = 200.00
ord1.Due_amt = 250.00

Accessing Data from a structure
if ord1.Inv_no = "" then
Msgbox("Please enter the invoice number")
End if


Structure Emp
        Dim eno As Integer
        Dim ename As String
        Dim salary As Integer
        Shared count As Integer
        Sub getEmp()
            eno = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter Eno"))
            ename = InputBox("Enter empname")
            salary = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter Salary"))
            count = count + 1
        End Sub
        Sub displayemp()
            MsgBox("Empno : " & eno)
            MsgBox("Empname : " & ename)
            MsgBox("Salary : " & salary)
        End Sub
        Shared Sub displayCount()
            MsgBox("No of Objects Created is " & count)
        End Sub
        Sub New(ByVal no As Integer, ByVal name As String, ByVal sal As Integer)
            eno = no
            ename = name
            salary = sal
            count = count + 1
        End Sub
    End Structure
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim e1(10) As Emp
        Dim e2 As Emp = New Emp(1000, "Kirthika", 2000)
        Dim n, i As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter how many employees"))
        For i = 0 To n - 1
        For i = 0 To n - 1
    End Sub
End Class
Classes Vs Structures

Collection of member variables and methods
* Both can have members, including constructors, properties and constants.
* Both can implement Interfaces (Set of incomplete methods)
* Both can have shared constructors with parameters
Shared Keyword
In a class or a structure, the Shared Keyword indicates that one or more programming elements are shared. The Shared programming elements are not associated with a specific instance of a class or structure. To access a shared element, we need to qulify it with the class or structure name. We can also access a shared element by qualifying it with the object name of the class or structure. For example, if we declare a field in our class to count the number of instances of the class, we can make it a shared field. All the instances of the class will access the same shared member.


Class Structure
A Class is inheritable from other existing classes A structure is not inheritable
A class can have instance constructors with or without parameters A structure can have instance constructors only if they have take parameters
A class is a referenced type (ByRef) A structure is a value type. (ByVal)
The members of a class can be initialized within class declaration The members of a structure cannot be initialized within the structure declaration
The Variables and constants declared in a class have Private by default A members of a structure have Public Scope by default
Class procedures can handle events Structure procedures cannot handle events.

Abstract Class

Set of complete and Incomplete methods.  the derived class can implement the methods. In VB.Net the abstract class is created using MustInherit keyword in the class definition. 

Public class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim emp as New Emp_Details()
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender as System.Object, ByVal e as System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
End Class

Public MustInherit Class EmployeeDetails
Public MustOverride Sub Annual_Salary(ByVal m As Integer)
Public Sub disp()
       MsgBox("Sample Method")  
End Sub
End Class

Public Class Emp_Details 
Inherits EmployeeDetails
Dim salary as Integer = 30000
Dim months as Integer = 6
Public Overrides Sub Annual_Salary(ByVal m as Integer)
salary = salary * m
Msgbox("The Total salary is : " & salary) salary = 30000
End sub
End Class


Public MustInherit Class MyAbstractClass
    Public MustOverride Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
    Public Sub MyAbstractsub()
        MsgBox("Abstract Class method")
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class DerivedClass
    Inherits MyAbstractClass

    Public Overrides Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
        MsgBox("The value of a = " & a)
    End Sub
End Class

Public Class DerivedClass1
    Inherits MyAbstractClass

    Public Overrides Sub display(ByVal a As Integer)
        MsgBox("Square Value is " & (a * a))
    End Sub
End Class

Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDisplay.Click
        Dim n As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter a number"))
        Dim d1 As New DerivedClass
    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdSquare_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSquare.Click
        Dim n As Integer
        n = Integer.Parse(InputBox("Enter a number"))
        Dim d2 As New DerivedClass1
    End Sub


Set of incomplete methods. Alternate for Multiple Inheritance


Interface Iface_name
End Interface
Interface IOrderDetails
Property CustName() As String
Sub UpdateCustStatus()
Function Calculate(ByVal m as integer) as Integer
Event Update_Complete()
End Interface

Interface OrderDetails
Sub Disp()
End Interface

Public Class MyOrder
Implements OrderDetails
Sub disp() Implements OrderDetails.disp
Msgbox "MyOrder disp method"
End Sub
End Class

Public Class AnotherOrder
Implements OrderDetails
Sub disp() Implements OrderDetails.disp
Msgbox "Another Order disp method"
End Sub
Sub MyMethod()
Msgbox "Non Interface Method"
End Sub
End Class
MyOrder m1

AnotherOrder a1

OrderDetails a2
a2.MyMethod() 'Error

We can declare only methods, functions, properties and events in an interface. We cannot declare a variable in an interface.

Interface Inheritance
Interface Validate_Cust
Sub Validate_Custname()
End Interface
Interface IOrderdetails
Inherits Validate_Cust
Property CustName() as String
Sub UpdateCustStatus()
Event Update_Complete()
End Interface

Members of an Interface
Sub Validate_Custname()
Property CustName() as String
Sub UpdateCustStatus()
Event Update_Complete()
Interface statements are Public by default.
Automatic initialization of object

Two types of constructors
1. Shared constructors
2. Instance Constructors

Shared Variable
* Initialize with Zero, when the first object is created. No other initialization is permitted.
* Only one copy of the variable is created and can be accessed by all objects.
Shared Methods

* Access only Shared Variables
* Without creating object the method can be accessed using class name.
Shared constructors

Used to initialize shared variables of type. A shared constructor will not run more than once during a single execution of program.

Public Class MyClass1
   Public Shared x As Integer
   Public y As Integer

   Shared Sub New()
       x = 10
       '     y = 20
   End Sub
   Sub New()
       y = 20
   End Sub
   Sub New(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer)
       x = a
       y = b
   End Sub
 Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() 'Destructor
       MsgBox("Destructor Called")
       x = 0
       y = 0
   End Sub
End Class

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
       Dim m1 As New MyClass1
       Dim m2 As MyClass1
       m2 = New MyClass1(60, 70)
       MsgBox("x = " & m2.x)
       MsgBox("y = " & m2.y)
   End Sub
Instance Constructor
Used to initialize variables that are declared with Dim, Public, Private, Friend, Protected and Protected Friend. Also access the shared variable within an instance constructor.

Sub New(ByVal a as integer)
end Sub

Used to destroy Objects

Methods Used

Finalize() -> To release the last reference object
Dispose() -> To release resource, such as Database                                                connection file closing etc.


* Resuability of code
* Extensibility of code

Hybrid -> Combination of multiple and multilevel


1. FirstForm (Base)

Reset Button cmdReset
Exit Button cmdExit

2. Codings

Public Overridable Sub cmdReset_Click()
End Sub

Public Overridable Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub
3. Build the application
4. Solution Explorer -> Right Click-> Add Inherited Form

5. SecondForm (Inherit FirstForm)

6. Add Additional Controls
7. Code Windows (select Overrides -> cmdReset , cmdExit)

Sub Procedure
Event Procedure

Sub Procedure
Access_specifier Sub Proc_name(ByVal arg as Datatype)
End Sub

Procedure Overloading
Procedure name similar, passing argument differs
Sub proc1()
End Sub
Sub proc1(ByVal m as Integer)
End Sub
Procedure Overriding
Procedure name and passing arguments are similar

Base Class
Public Overridable Sub Procedure_name()
End Sub

Derived Class
Public Overrides Sub Procedure_name()
End Sub

Note: Doesn't return any value

Calling Sub procedure

Call Procedure_name(arguments)
Function Procedure

Access_specifier Function func_name(arguments) as Return_Datatype
func_name = return value
return ret_val
End Function

Function Overloading
Function Overriding

Property Procedure

BackColor = red
Public class Customer
Private col as System.Drawing.Color
Public Property BackColor() as System.Drawing.Color
Set(ByVal col1 as System.Drawing.Color)
col = col1
End Set
Return col
End Get
End Property
End Class

Event Procedure
Predefined Procedures (Dialog)
Msgbox -> Msgbox("Message",Button Style,"Title")
InputBox -> InputBox("Message","title","default Value",X pos,Y Pos)

CommonDialog Classes


ActiveX Data Object (ADO)

.NET Application to communicate with a database for inserting,updating and retrieving data.

1. Disconnected Architecture
Applications connect to the database only while retrieving and updating data. After data is retrieved, the connection with the database is closed.

2. Data cached in Datasets
A dataset is a cached set of database records. We can work with the records stored in a dataset as we work with real data; the only difference being that the dataset is independent of data source and we remain disconnected from the data source. As a result, resources are saved and the database can meet the increasing demands of users more efficiently.

3.  Data Transfer in XML Format
XML is an industry standard Format for exchaning information between different applications. Since a Dataset is stored in the XML format, we can transmit it between different types of application that support XML and any component that can read the dataset structure can process the data.

4. Interaction with the database is done through data commands
All operations on the database are performed by using data commands. A data command can be a SQL statement or a Stored procedure.

ADO.NET Object Model

Provider -> The Data residing in a database is retrieved through data provider. 

Dataset -> The Data is cached in a dataset and the application accesses the data from the dataset.

DataReader -> In this method, a DataReader object, which is component of the data provider, uses the connection object to connect to the database, uses the command object to retrieves data, and provides data to the application in a read-only and forward only mode.

Data Providers

Two types of Data Providers:

OLE DB Data Provider

Works with all type of OLEDB Providers. 
namespace -> System.Data.OleDb

SQL Server Data Provider

Working with SQL Server
namespace -> System.Data.SqlClient

ConnectionString () -> Specify the name of the server, username, password etc.

Open() -> Establish the connection
Close() -> Close the Connection

State -> 0 value indicates the connection is closed
                            1 value indicates the connection is opened.

Connecting with SQL - Server

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim con As SqlConnection
        con = New SqlConnection("server=server;Database=Master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        MsgBox("Connection Opened")
    End Sub

Connecting with MS - Access

Imports System.Data.OleDb

       Dim con As OleDbConnection
        con = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=d:/demo/vb.net/sampleDB.mdb")
        MsgBox("Database Connected")

Data Adapter

Data is transfered to and from a database through a data adapter.

SqlDataAdapter -> SQL - Server 
OleDbDataAdapter -> Other Database

Properties and Methods of Data Adapter

SelectCommand -> Refers to a SQL Statement or a Stored procedure to retrieve data from the database
InsertCommand -> Refers to a data command to insert data into a database
UpdateCommand -> Refers to a data command to update a database
DeleteCommand -> Refers to a data command to delete from a database

Fill() Method -> Fills the dataset with the records from a database

Update() Method -> Executes the correspoding InsertCommand, UpdateCommand or DeleteCommand row to reflect the changes in the database.


Drag a SqlDataAdapter1
Connect with Database and Select the Table using Query Builder
Select SqlDataAdapter1 -> Data Menu -> Generate Dataset -> DSCust
Drag a Datagrid Control and set the Datasource = DScust1.CustomerTracking



A DataCommand is a SQL Statement or a Stored procedure that is used to retrieve, Insert, Delete or modify data in a Data source.

SQLCommand -> SQL - Server
OleDbCommand  -> Other Database

        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim command As New SqlCommand
        con = New SqlConnection("server=system8;database=master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        command = New SqlCommand("Insert into Customertracking values('C006','Vidhya','Nandhini','23 KK Nagar',23345,'vidhya@rediff.com')", con)
        Dim r As Integer
        r = command.ExecuteNonQuery()
        MsgBox("Record Inserted")

Data Reader is used to retrieve data from a data source in a read only and forward only mode.
Methods Used
Read() -> Read Current row
Close() -> Close the DataReader
NextResult() -> Move to Next Record Pointer


  Dim custid As String
        custid = InputBox("Enter Customer ID")
        Dim con As New SqlConnection
        Dim command As New SqlCommand
        con = New SqlConnection("server=system8;database=master;user id=sa;password=killer")
        command = New SqlCommand("Select * from customertracking", con)
        Dim dr As SqlDataReader
        dr = command.ExecuteReader()
        While (dr.Read())
            If (dr(0) = custid) Then
                txtCustid.Text = custid
                txtFname.Text = dr(1)
                txtLname.Text = dr(2)
                txtAddress.Text = dr(3)
                txtPhone.Text = dr(4)
                txtEmail.Text = dr(5)
            End If
        End While
    End Sub


When a connection is established with the database, the data adapter creates a dataset and stores data in it. After the data is retrieved and stored in a dataset, the connection with the database is closed. Such working architecture is called disconnected architecture. The dataset acts like a virtual database containing tables,rows and columns. 

Dataset Object Model

The Dataset is present as a Dataset class in the System.Data namespace. The Components of the dataset object model are 
Component Description
DataTableCollection It Contains all the tables retrieved from the data source
DataRelationCollection It contains relationships and the links between tables in a dataset
ExtendedProperties It contains additional information, such as the SQL statement for retrieving data and the date time stamp for the retrieved data
DataTable It represents a table in the DataTableCollection of a dataset
DataRelation It represents a relationship in the DataRelationCollection of a dataset
DataRowCollection It contains all the rows in a DataTable
DataView It represents a fixed customized view of a DataTable
PrimaryKey It represents the column that uniquely identifies a row in a DataTable
DataColumnCollection It contains all the columns in a DataTable.

Connecting to a Database

There are three methods to create a data adapter.

* Manually
* Through a Wizard
* Using the Server Explorer Window

Types of Datasets
Datasets are of two types.

1. Typed
2. Untyped.

Typed Dataset

A typed dataset is derived from the Dataset class and has an associated XML schema, which is created at the time of the creation of the dataset. The XML schema contains information about the dataset structure, such as the tables, columns and rows. Data is transferred from a database into a dataset and from the dataset to another component in XML format.
XML Schema Definition (CSD) language is used to define the elements and attributes of XML documents. Since a typed dataset structure is stored in an XML format, the dataset is saved as an XSD file. This structure of a typed dataset is decided at the time of its creation. When a typed dataset is created, the data commands are generated automatically by using the column names from the data source. Tables and their columns can be accessed by their names while programming.

Dim custid as string
custid = DSCust.CustomerTracking(0).CustID
Untyped Dataset

An untyped dataset does not have any associated XML schema. In an untyped dataset, the tables and columns are represented as collections. Since an XML schema is not created for an untyped dataset, the structure of an untyped dataset is not known during compilation.

Dim custid as String
custid = CType(DSCust.Tables("CustomerTracking").Rows(0).Item("CustID"),String)

* Using Data Adapter
* Complex Data Binding -> Data Grid

Implementing Simple Data Binding

Navigating Between Records

For every data source that is bound to a Windows Form, there exists a CurrencyManager object. The CurrencyManager object handles the binding to the data source by keeping a pointer to the current item in the record list. The Currencymanager class is derived from the BindingManagerBase class. If all the Windows Form controls are bound to a single Data source, the form will have one CurrencyManager object associated with it. A BindingContext object, Which is a Windows Form object, is usd to keep track of the existing CurrencyManager objects in a form. 

Connecting to a Database through Wizard

1. Drag a OleDB or SqlDataAdpter control
2. Select the Servername and Enter user id,password and select the database
3. Query Builder -> Select the Tablename and add required columns
4. Finish the wizard

Creating Dataset

1. Select the OleDB or SqlDataAdapter
2. From Data Menu -> Choose Generate Dataset
3. Enter the Dataset name and select the corresponding table and click ok.

Data Binding

1. Simple Data Binding
2. Complex Data Binding

Complex Data binding

Binding with Listbox, Datagrid Control with multiple values or multiple columns
For Datagrid Control
DataSource -> Dataset name
DataMember -> Table Name

Datasource -> Dataset name
DisplayMember -> Column name

Simple Data Binding

Binding with a single column and single value. Used for Textbox.

TextBox Properties
Text -> Column name


Navigating Between Records

1. Create data adapter
2. Create dataset
3. Binding with controls.

General Declaration

Dim bm As BindingManagerBase

       bm = Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "CustomerTracking")
       bm.Position = 0

bm.Position = 0
bm.Position = bm.Count - 1

bm.Position -= 1
bm.Position += 1

Filtering and Sorting Data
Two types of Filtering
1. Parameterized Queries
2. Filter the Dataset
Parameterized Queries
1. Create a SqlDataAdapter-> Select Connection -> Query Builder -> Select CustOrder Table 
2. Specify the condition "where Inv=@param"
3. Click next and finish the SqlDataAdapter.
4. Generate the Dataset for SqlDataAdapter
5. Place the controls and bind the Dataset with the controls.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
        SqlDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.Parameters("@param").Value = TextBox1.Text
    End Sub

Filter the Dataset
Using Select() method
select(condition,sort order)
Private Sub btnSelect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSelect.Click
        Dim dt As DataTable
        dt = DsCust1.Tables("CustOrder")
        Dim cond As String
        Dim sort As String
        cond = "cost >3000"
        sort = "custid asc"
        Dim result() As DataRow
        result = dt.Select(cond, sort)
        Dim ctr As Integer
        For ctr = 0 To result.Length - 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    End Sub

Displaying Data From multiple tables.

xsd -> Schema -> Containing conditions for columns

Control Properties Settings
sqlDataAdapter1 SelectCommand Select Custid,fname,address from 

SqlDataAdapter2 SelectCommand Select Inv,InvDate,Custid,prodid from                               CustOrder
DataSet DSMasterDetail1 CustomerTracking

Double click the DSMasterdetail1.xsd from Solution Explorer Window
Create Relation from Toolbox. Drag the Relation object and place it in CustOrder Table.
Label CustomerID
Label Firstname
Label Address
DataGrid DGDetail -> DataSource -> DSMasterDetail1 
    DataMember -> CustomerTracking -> CustomerTrackingCustOrder

TextBox txtCustid -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking -> CustID
TextBox txtFname -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking -> Fname
TextBox txtAddress -> DataBindings -> Text -> CustomerTracking ->Address


    Dim bm As BindingManagerBase

SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsMasterDetail1, "CustomerTracking")
            SqlDataAdapter2.Fill(DsMasterDetail1, "CustOrder")
            bm = Me.BindingContext(DsMasterDetail1, "CustomerTracking")

bm.Position += 1

bm.Position -= 1

Data Updates
Design Form for the following Table
1. CustomerDetails

Create table CustomerDetails(Custid varchar(10) primary key,CustName varchar(50),
Address Varchar(100),phoneno numeric(15),Email varchar(50),regdate datetime)
2. Design the Form and Bind the Control

3. Codings

General Declaration

Dim bm As BindingManagerBase
Dim flag As Integer = 0
    Dim dt As DataTable
    Dim dr As DataRow
    Dim custid As String


        bm = Me.BindingContext(DsCustomer1, "CustomerDetails")
        bm.Position = 0


bm.Position = 0

bm.Position -= 1

bm.Position += 1
bm.Position = bm.Count - 1


        flag = 1
        Dim cid, cidval As String
        Dim ctr, len As Integer
        dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
        len = dt.Rows.Count - 1
        If (len < 0) Then
            cid = "C001"
            dr = dt.Rows(len)
            cidval = dr("Custid")
            cidval = Mid(cidval, 2, 3)
            ctr = CInt(cidval)
            If (ctr > 0 And ctr < 9) Then
                ctr = ctr + 1
                cid = "C00" & ctr
            ElseIf (ctr >= 9 And ctr < 99) Then
                ctr = ctr + 1
                cid = "C0" & ctr
                ctr = ctr + 1
                cid = "C" & ctr
            End If
        End If
        txtCustid.Text = cid
Private Sub ClearText()
        txtCustid.Text = ""
        txtCustname.Text = ""
        txtAddr.Text = ""
        txtPhno.Text = ""
        txtEmail.Text = ""
        txtRdate.Text = ""
    End Sub

custid = txtCustid.Text
        flag = 2

custid = txtCustid.Text
        flag = 3

If flag = 1 Then
            dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
            dr = dt.NewRow()
            dr(0) = txtCustid.Text
            dr(1) = txtCustname.Text
            dr(2) = txtAddr.Text
            dr(3) = txtPhno.Text
            dr(4) = txtEmail.Text
            dr(5) = txtRdate.Text
        ElseIf flag = 2 Then
            dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
            dr = dt.Rows.Find(custid)
            dr(1) = txtCustname.Text
            dr(2) = txtAddr.Text
            dr(3) = txtPhno.Text
            dr(4) = txtEmail.Text
            dr(5) = txtRdate.Text
        ElseIf flag = 3 Then
            dt = DsCustomer1.Tables("CustomerDetails")
            dr = dt.Rows.Find(custid)
        End If
        SqlDataAdapter1.Update(DsCustomer1, "CustomerDetails")
        bm.Position = 0

txtRdate.Text = System.DateTime.Today

Crystal Report

For Creating Reports and Charts
Three Methods

1. Manually
2. Using Standard Expert
3. From an existing Report

1. Create a Windows Form
2. From Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
3. Name -> RevenueReport.rpt -> Click Open button
4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "As a blank Report" -> Click Ok
5. In the Field Explorer Window -> Database Fields -> Right Click -> Add/Remove Database
6. Select OLEDB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLEDB for SQL server
7. USer id = sa;password=killer;server=system8;database=master
8. Select Table "CustomerTracking" -> Insert Table - Click Finish
9. From Field Explorer Window -> Drag the Required Fields to Details Section
10. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RevenueReport.rpt

11. Run the Application

Using Standard Expert
1. Create a Windows Form
2. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
3. Name -> RevenueReport1.rpt -> Click the Open Button
4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "Using Standard Expert" -> Click Ok
5. Select OLEDB (ADO) -> Microsoft OLEDB For SQL Server
6. server=system8;user id=sa;password=killer;database=master
7. Select Table "CustOrder" -> Insert Table -> Click Next
8. Select Display Fields -> Click next
9 Select Group Field -> Click Next
10. Select Summarized Field -> Click Next
11. Chart -> Select chart type -> Text -> Title (Revenue Report) -> Click Next
12. Click next
13. Click Next
14. Click Finish
15. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RevenueReport.rpt

Filtering Data report
1. Create a Windows Form
2. Create a SQLDataAdapter -> Select CustOrder and Set the condition as "Cost>3000"
3. Generate a DataSet with the Name of DSReport
4. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
5.  Name -> RevenueReport2.rpt -> Click Open
6. Crystal Gallery Report -> Select "As a blank Report"
7. In the Field Explorer Window -> Database Fields -> Add /Remove Database
8. Select "Project Data" -> ADO.NET -> Datastet -> DSReport -> Custorder
9. From Field Explorer -> Drag the Required Field
10. Group Name Fields -> New -> CustOrder.Prodid
11. Running Total Field -> New -> CustOrder.Cost -> Sum
12. Formula Field -> New -> Enter "Percentage" -> Formulat Editor -> CustOrder.Advance / CustOrder.Cost * 100
13. Drag the Formula Field in the Details Section
14. In the Form Code Window add the following Code
Global Declaration
Dim cr As New RevenueReport2

SqlDataAdapter1.Fill(DsReport1, "Custorder")
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr

Relating Data Report

1. Create a Windows Form
2. Project Menu -> Add New Item -> CrystalReport
3. Name -> RelatingReport.rpt-> Click Open
4. Crystal Report Gallery -> Select "Using Standard Expert"
5. Select OLEDB (ADO) - > Microsoft OLEDB For SQL - Server
6. Server=system8;user id=sa;password=killer;database=master;
7. Select -> CustomerTracking and CustOrder Table
8. Relating window Displayed -> Click Next
9. Select Displaying Fields and Click NExt
10. Select Group Field and Click Next
11. Select Summarized Field and Click Next
13. Create Chart if need
14. Click the Next and Finish the Report
15. In the Form Window -> Place one crystalReportViewer Control -> Properties -> ReportSource -> Browser and Select the -> RelatingReport.rpt

Setting Primary key and Foreign Key in Table
Create table Custtrack(custid varchar(10) primary key)
Alter table custtrack add constraint cpk2 primary key(custid)

Create table custorder1(custid varchar(10) references custtrack(custid))
Alter table custorder1 add constraint cfk2 foreign key(custid) references custtrack(custid)


MainMenu -> Normal Menus created in Menubar
ContextMenu -> For creating shortcut menus

MDI Forms -> Multiple Document Interface 
Eg: MS - Word

Drag MainMenu from Toolbar and set the Name and Caption Property
Form1 -> IsMdiContainer -> Set to True
Context Menu

Drag Context Menu From toolbar
Create MenuItems with Itemname
Form1 -> ContextMenu Property -> ContextMenu1


Drag a ImageList Control -> Property -> Images -> Add some Images
Drag a Toolbar Control -

ImageList ImageList1
Button collection Add Buttons with Name and ImageIndex
Drag a Statusbar Control

ShowPanels True
Panels Add Panel and Set the Name Property

Private Sub mnuNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuNew.Click
        Dim myform As New Second
        myform.MdiParent = Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuSave.Click
        MsgBox("Save Clicked")
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuExit.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
        SBPanel2.Text = System.DateTime.Now()
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuVertical_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuVertical.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuHorizontal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuHorizontal.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuCascade_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuCascade.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuArrIcons_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnuArrIcons.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnNew_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnNew.Click
        Dim myform As New Second
        myform.MdiParent = Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnHori_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnHori.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnVert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles mnVert.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub ToolBar1_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButtonClickEventArgs) Handles ToolBar1.ButtonClick
        Select Case ToolBar1.Buttons.IndexOf(e.Button)
            Case 0
                Dim myform As New Second
                myform.MdiParent = Me
                sbPanel1.Text = "New Form"
            Case 1
                MsgBox("Save Clicked'")
                sbPanel1.Text = "Save Form"
            Case 2
                sbPanel1.Text = "Exit Form"
        End Select
    End Sub

File Handling
A file is a collection of bytes that has a persistent storage. The data in a file is stored as data streams and when we read from or write to a file, we read or write data as data streams.

A data stream is a sequence of bytes that can be written to or read from a backup device, such as hard disk.

File I/O perform in two different ways.

1. Using the .NET System.IO model
2. Using the Visual Basic- runtime functions
Using System.IO Model

This model are available to all the .NET languages. These classes are contained in the System.IO namespace and are used for creating copying, moving and deleteing files. The most frequently used classes in the System.IO namespace are FileStream, BinaryReader, BinaryWriter, StreamReader, StreamWriter, TextReader,TextWriter and Directory. 

FileStream Class

This class provides access to files and file related information. The FileSystem class is used with the File class, which is also contained in the System.IO namespace, to create, copy, delete, move and open files.

FileStream class opens a file either in synchronous mode or asynchronous mode. 

Synchronous mode -> The entire file is first read and then displayed to the user.
Method used -> Read() and Write() method
Asynchronous mode -> starts reading and displaying files in parts
Method Used -> BeginRead() and BeginWrite()


Append-> File must be exists and open the file and set the file pointer to end of file
Create -> New Creation. If the file exists, the file is overwritten
CreateNew -> Create a New file. If the file is exists it throws an exception
Open -> open an existing file
OpenOrCreate -> Open an existing file, if the file exists or create a new file
Truncate-> Delete the file and recreate it. File must be exists.


Read -> Read Only
ReadWrite -> Read and Write
Write -> Write only.



Dim fstream As New FileStream("c:\sample.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
        MsgBox("File Created")

BinaryReader and BinaryWriter
In .NET we can store data in binary format to keep the size of a file small. 

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim files As FileStream = New FileStream("c:\myfile.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)
        Dim bw As New BinaryWriter(files)
        Dim br As New BinaryReader(files)
        Dim j As Integer
        For j = 1 To 10
        br.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
        TextBox1.Text = br.ReadChars(20)
End Sub

SeekOrigin.BEGIN  -> Beginning of File
SeekOrigin.CURRENT -> Move to current pointer
SeekOrigin.END -> End of file

StreamReader and StreamWriter
These classes internally use specific encoding to convert characters to and from bytes.
Create a Form with a RichTextBox Control

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim fstream As New FileStream("C:\mydata.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
        Dim sw As New StreamWriter(fstream)
        sw.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End)
        writedata("My Employee code is 102", sw)
        writedata("My Language is Sanskrit", sw)
        Dim sr As New StreamReader(fstream)
        sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin)
    End Sub

    Public Sub writedata(ByVal data As String, ByVal sw As StreamWriter)
        sw.Write("Entry : ")
    End Sub

    Public Sub readdata(ByVal r As StreamReader)
        RichTextBox1.Text = r.ReadToEnd
    End Sub

The Directory Class

CreateDirectory Directory.CreateDirectory("C:\vb_users")
Delete Directory.Delete("c:\vb_users")
Exists Msgbox(Directory.Exists("c:\vb_users"))
GetDirectoryRoot Msgbox(Directory.GetDirectoryRoot("c:\Vb_users"))
Imports System.IO
Public class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim s() as String
dim i,j as Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load()
s = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()
i = s.length
For j = 0 to i - 1
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text + s(j) + Chr(13)
End Sub
End Class

Move Directory.Move("c:\my_Dir","c:\vb_users\MyDir")

Creating Help System

hhp -> Html Help Project
hhc -> Html Help Contents
hhk -> Html Help Index
htm -> Html file

Steps to Create Help file system

Programs -> HTML Help Workshop

1. File -> New -> Project 
2. Click Next -> Browse the location to save the .hhp file.
3. Click Next -> Click Finish
4. File -> New -> HTML File
Enter the Title and Contents of the HTML File and Save the file
Title Contents Filename
---------- ------------ -------------
Maintaining Records Maintain.htm
Add Record Add.htm
Modify Record Modify.htm
Delete Record Delete.htm
View Record View.htm

5. Select the Index Tab -> Create a new Index File
6. Select the option -> Insert a Keyword 
Enter the Keyword (Maintaining Record) and Add the file (Maintain.htm) for the keyword and click ok
Similary add all the keyword with htm file.

7. Select the Contents Tab -> Create a new Contents File
8. Select the option -> Insert a Heading -> Maintaing Records -> Maintain.htm
9. Select the option -> Insert a Page -> Enter keyword and Select the correspoding files

10. Select the Projects Tab -> Select "Change Project options" 
Enter the Title and Select the Default page to display while pressing F1

11. File  Menu -> Compile option -> Select the two checkbox and Click "Compile"

12. View Menu -> Compiled File -> Select the File and view

Adding File system with Project Menu

1. Drag a HTMLHelpProvider Control
Properties -> HTMLNamespace -> Select the Help File

Control Properties
Show Help on HelpProvider1 -> True
Helpkeyword on HelpProvider1 -> Enter the Keyword
HelpNavigator on HelpProvider1 -> Select the Navigation option

Deploying the Application

1.File -> New -> Project -> Setup and Deployment Projects -> "CallCenter" -> Click Ok
2. File -> Add Project -> Existing Project -> "DataUpdates.vbproj"
3. Open the "File System" editor by selecting "View -> Editor -> File System"
4. Select the "File System On Target Machine" node
5. Select "Action -> Add Special Folder ->Program Files Folder"
6. Select the "Program Files Folder" node. Select "Action->Add->Folder". Type the name of the folder as "CallCenter"
7. To Add the output of the "Data Entry Application" project to the "CallCenter" folder, select the "CallCenter" folder. Select "Action-> Add-> Project Output". This opens the "Add Project Output Group" dialog box.
8. Select "Data Entry Applicaion" from the Project drop down list, Select "Primary Output" from the Output list.
9. click the ok button

Create a shortcut for the application

10. In the "File System" editor, Select the "CallCenter" folder. In the details pane of the "File System" editor, select "Primary Output from Data Entry Applcation (Active)".
11. Select "Action -> Create Shortcut to Primary Output from Data Entry Application (Active)".
12. Change the name of the shortcut to "CallCenter"
13. Drag the shortcut to the "User's Desktop" mode in the "File System Editor"

Add a dialog box to the deployment project

14. Open "Wordpad" and type the text to be displayed in the license agreement.
15. Save the file with the extension of ".rtf" (Rich text format)
16.  In the Visual Studio .NET deployment project, open the "User Interface" editor by selecting "view -> editor -> User Interface"
17. In the "Install" section, select "Start"
18. Select "Action -> Add Dialog"
19. In the "Add Dialog" dialog box, Select "License Agreement", click the ok button
20. Move the License agreement dialogbox so that it appears immediately after the Welcome dialog box.
21. Select the "License Agreement" node in the User Interface editor and press F4 key to switch to properties window.
22. Select the License file property and select the rtf file.
23. In the "Select Item in Project" dialog box, Click ok button
24. Build the Application

Execute the Installer

1. Browse the deployment project folder. In the Debug folder -> it contains the Setup Project and Uninstall Project"

2. Double click and install the project

Component Technology

* A component is a reusable piece of code in binary form that can be plugged into components from other vendors, with relatively little effort.
* Component can be part of an application that implements Business logic.
* We can reuse code by inheritance.
Component Architecture of .NET

Components have to interact with each other. For example, a component that accepts user information might use another component to validate the information. This is achieved, in Visual Basic .NET, by putting the components within a self contained package called assembly. An assembly contains information about the files on which the component depends and the location of these files. The CLR can use this information to determine the dependencies of a component. The assemblies that are required during the execution of an assembly are called dependencies.

An assembly usually consists of a manifest and the portable executables (PE)

A manifest consists of information such as the name and version of the assembly. It also contains information about other files, such as text files, assemblies and graphics files that assembly uses.

Portable executables (PE)

A portable executable consists of the IL code, type information, and meta data. The manifest might be stored as a part of a portable executable. The metadata consists of information about every type, such as classes and structures defined and used in our code.

Characteristics of a Component

1. The name of the component class should be short and meaningful. It should be a combination of whole words with a capitalized initial character for each word.

2. We can control the use of a component by using proper access level for the constructors.  Classes or components that are used internally by the assembly should have private access where as a component that is intended for use outside the containing assembly should have public access.

3. The base class of all component class is the class Component or IComponent class.

4. The namespace structure in an assembly should be according to the internal organization of the components. We should group related components together in separate namespaces. The project name becomes the root namespace by default.

Life cycle of component

1. The constructors initialize components. Initialization can be two types, type initialization and instance initialization. Type initialization is achieve by shared constructors. Instance initialization is achieved by constructors.

2. The instance of our component is destroyed when the garbage  collector finds that there are no references to the components. All clean up code should be put into the Finalize code.


1. File -> New -> Project -> Visual Basic Projects -> Class Library Project -> "CValidator"
2. Project Menu -> Add Component -> Component Class 
3. Change the name of the class in the line of code to "CardValidator"
4. Change the file name to "CardValidator.vb"
5. Delete the default class library project "Class1.vb"
6. Save the Project
7. Add Properties and Functions to the component

Public Class CardValidator
    Inherits System.ComponentModel.Component
    Private Name As String
    Private CardNo As String

    Public Property CustomerName() As String
            Return Name
        End Get
        Set(ByVal CustName As String)
            Name = CustName
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property CardNumber() As String
            Return CardNo
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Number As String)
            CardNo = Number
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Function Validate() As Integer
        Dim cardlength As Integer = 0
        cardlength = CardNo.Length
        Dim valid As Boolean
        If cardlength = 14 Then
            Return True
            Return False
        End If
    End Function
End Class

8. Build Menu -> click Build Solution
(It creates a DLL file -> Dynamic Link Library)

Create a User interface to display the result

1. Create a windows application project name "CreditCardDetails".
2. Create Two labels and two textboxes "TextCustName" and "TextCard"
3. Create a Button Control "Validate"
4. In the solution explorer window right click "References"-> Choose "Add Reference"
5. Browse and Navigate the "CValidator.dll" and Click Open
6. Add the Following Code

Imports CValidator

Private Sub btnValidate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnValidate.Click
        Dim validator As CardValidator
        validator = New CardValidator
        validator.CardNumber = txtCardNo.Text
        validator.CustomerName = txtCustName.Text
        If validator.Validate = True Then
            MsgBox("Valid Card Number")
            MsgBox("Invalid Card Number")
        End If
    End Sub

User Controls

When we design an application with graphical user interface, we usually use objects that the user can use to control the flow of the application. These controls are visual components that can be used across applications.

The UserControl Class

The UserControl class can contain multiple Child controls. The UserControl class represents a Single and unified interface. This interface contains inherted from the Control classes.

Creating Customized User Controls


1. Create a new Windows Control Library and name it CDateLib.

2. In the Solution Explorer Window, change UserControl.vb to BritishDateTimePicker.vb by right clicking UserControl1.vb and selecting the Rename option from the short - cut - menu.

3. Right Click BritishDateTimePicker.vb and select view code from the shortcut menu

4. Change the name of the class to BritishDateTimePicker. In addition, change the inherits state to Inherits System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker.

5. Double Click the Windows Form Designer generated code,

6. In the New() method, add the following code after the InitializeComponent method.

        Format = DateTimePickerFormat.Custom
        CustomFormat = "dd/MM/yy"

7. Build -> Build the Solution.

Test Your control
1. Create a new Windows application
2. Right click and customize the toolbox.
3. Select the .NET Framework Components tab -> browse -> CDatelib.dll
4. Select the Control BritishDateTimePicker and click ok
5. Drag the control and Build and execute.


1. File -> New -> Project -> Windows Control Library -> "NumericTextBox"
2. Change the name of the control to "NumericTextBox"
3. Switch to Code view and add the following code

Public Class NumericTextBox
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    Private maxValue As Integer
    Private minValue As Integer

    Public Property Max() As Integer
            Return maxValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            maxValue = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property Min() As Integer
            Return minValue
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
            minValue = Value
        End Set
    End Property

    Protected Overrides Sub OnLostFocus(ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
        If Val(Text) < minValue Then
            MsgBox("Not in Range")
        End If
        If Val(Text) > maxValue Then
            MsgBox("Not in Range")
        End If
    End Sub
End class

4. Build the solution

Testing Control
1. Create a New Windows Application
2. Right click in Toolbox -> click the browse button and select the NumericTextBox.dll
3. Drag the Control and Set the Min and Max Property value
4. Execute and Check the Control

            MsgBox("Not in Range")
        End If
        If Val(Text) > maxValue Then
            MsgBox("Not in Range")
        End If
    End Sub
End class

4. Build the solution

Testing Control
1. Create a New Windows Application
2. Right click in Toolbox -> click the browse button and select the NumericTextBox.dll
3. Drag the Control and Set the Min and Max Property value
4. Execute and Check the Control

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